With long consulting experience in the BCM field running everything from shorter assessments to major BCM implementation programs spanning several years we often found ourselves struggling to find proper tooling that would make our and our clients’ BCM work easier (and not more strenuous). Something that would make the BCM effort “stick” over time. Something that our clients could maintain themselves and that would be pragmatic, easy to use and relevant to all involved. Since we could not find this on the market, we decided to build it ourselves.
The result was Continuity Manager. Starting in 2015 with a focus on what, in our experience, are the essentials in getting BCM operational. We have since, in dialogue with our clients, expanded the capabilities with additional modules aiming to offer a one-stop-shop to everything BCM, in support of full compliance efforts.
We are encouraged by the positive feedback Continuity Manager is getting and the results our clients have accomplished using it. Continuity Manager is the BCM tool we would choose. We hope and believe you will feel the same.